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Anchored at
Salt Spring Island

What You Need
to Know in
5 Minutes:

Southern Gulf Islands, BC

Unique and protected since 1974  -  but not safe.

New industrial expansion is now targeting the sea connecting the islands.

Are you disturbed by bright and noisy ships?  Here is how to report them.


Have you checked our NEWS ?

Heavy Industry in Protected Island Group?

'Preserve and Protect' is the provincial mandate for this unique group of islands.  Land and water are interwoven. They are almost equal in area.

You would never get permission to place a refinery, factory, or a power plant with massive diesel generators on the land.

Yet on narrow water ways between neighbourhoods, just a few hundred meters from people and houses, this is exactly what is happening.


Large ships did not use to be here.

Just in the last few years, Transport Canada activated over 30 anchorage sites (!!)  between our islands.

Salt Spring Island has been sleeping. Now we are hit with several active anchorages.

This is only the beginning.

More anchorages are planned. For freighters piling up at Port Vancouver, but possibly also for oil tankers due to the pipeline expansion.

& Pollution

Annoying and toxic emissions have to be endured, as if close to a factory or refinery.  

Air pollution is a problem. Massive ship generators cause constant and loud rumbling, burn 2-3 tonnes of diesel per day, and produce about 10 tons of CO2 daily. Local waters get more acidic.
Water pollution has been observed and is likely happening on a regular basis.

It is only a matter of time until accidents will happen. Freighters can have thousands of tons of fuel.

Between our islands, pollution has nowhere to go. It hits beaches and residential areas.

Help Protect
The Islands Sea

The rural character and the marine environment of our island are at risk.

This is not only about the endangered Orcas.  

Like canaries in the coal mine, the Orcas' demise is a warning of present danger.  Our own health, our well-being, our identity and island lifestyle are at stake.

This is unacceptable. It is important to spread the word, and ask government officials and politicians to act.

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